Monday, August 18, 2008


Well school started today for public school in our city, but not in our house. Our new school books have not come in yet. One of my friends, that homeschools, said she is waiting until after Labor Day. Maybe I should do that? It would probably be better for me to just jump in as soon as we get the books in.

There are many times I doubt myself about homeschooling. Am I warping my kids? Am I stunting their academic growth? Am I a good enough teacher for them? Should I just give up and send them to public school?

Then I have to go back in my mind to why we decided to do this. To protect our kids. To teach them the things that we want to teach them. To teach them not only to read and write, but to teach them to love God with their whole heart.

I can only do this with God's strength, guidance, wisdom, and grace.

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